What is reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese word, Rei (霊) means spirit and Ki(気) is energy. Reiki is the universal life energy. It is the highest dimensional energy, which has the characteristics of love, harmony and healing. When we channel to this energy, it brings us the benefits of spiritual healing and energy therapy. The goal of Reiki is to achieve a life of peace and joy, while maintaining the unity of spirit and body.

The method of natural healing with the hands always existed in ancient times, in countries like India and Tibet, but it was forgotten and lost until rediscovered by Mikao Usui in Japan in 1922. He was a Buddhist and practiced the teachings of Buddha throughout his life, and when he was 57 years old, he climbed Mount Kurama in Kyoto, which is a mountain known in Japan as a sacred spiritual site, in order to fast and meditate, and in his third week, he obtained the ability to heal with hands, and named it Reiki.

There are many benefits of Reiki. First of all, Reiki helps with healing on the spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, and energetic levels. Once attuned to Reiki, we never lose the ability, even if we stop practicing it, as it will always remain with us. When giving a treatment to others, we don't feel tired, because the healing energy of Reiki first runs through our bodies, and we never have to use our own energy. We also don’t receive any negative energy from the patient, because Reiki only flows in one direction. While channeling Reiki, we do not have to believe it, but just be in a meditation mode. This energy could also be applied to animals, plants and objects, like our drinking water. It can be combined with other treatments, such as medications to relieve symptoms or conditions, and Reiki multiplies its effects. So naturally, by applying this energy to any beauty treatments, it would also serve as a natural booster to enhance the results we are looking for. Applied directly on the skin, Reiki improves the flow of the energy and its ability to regenerate itself.

There are four different levels of Reiki practice: In the first level, the focus is on the physical healing. In the second level, we learn the method for healing at the mental and emotional levels, as well as being able to send Reiki via distance to others, healing the past and the future. The third level is the mastery of oneself, and the last level enables us to teach and attune others to the Reiki energy.

Personally, I was able to awaken many of my dormant abilities through the practice of Reiki, and these include: being able to instantly cure most minor symptoms of cold or physical pain, enhanced intuition, and discovering my soul purpose. My average body temperature has risen and I never have cold hands any more even in the winter. I also developed the sensitivity of the hands, known as hibiki, which allows me to read the energy of the person and provide advices according to what I perceive. It is indeed a wonderful feeling when you are able to cure the headache of a person on the other side of the planet by sending the energy via distance.

As far as beauty is concerned, I’ve met many practitioners of Reiki who are glowing with a light that emanates from within, and in general, it’s quite common for Reiki practitioners to have a younger appearance, thanks to the rejuvenating property of this universal energy that restores beauty and harmony to everything it touches.
